3-C Polarization analysis and filtering in the time domain#

In this example, you will learn how to use TwistPy to perform a three-component polarization analysis in the time domain. You will learn how to estimate polarization attributes such as the ellipticity, the degree of polarization, and the directionality of the particle motion as a function of time and how to use those attributes to filter the time series. The analysis is performed on the complex analytic signal

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from obspy.core import Trace, Stream
from scipy.signal import hilbert, convolve

from twistpy.convenience import ricker
from twistpy.polarization import TimeDomainAnalysis3C, PolarizationModel3C
from twistpy.utils import load_analysis

rng = np.random.default_rng(1)

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3

We start by generating a very simple synthetic data set for illustration purposes. The data will contain isolated wave arrivals for a P-wave, an SV-wave, an SH wave, a Love-wave, and a Rayleigh wave. To generate the data, we make use of the pure state polarization models that are implemented in the class ‘twistpy.polarization.PolarizationModel3C’.

# Generate an empty time series for each wave
N = 1000  # Number of samples in the time series
signal1 = np.zeros((N, 3))  # Each signal has three components
signal2 = np.zeros((N, 3))
signal3 = np.zeros((N, 3))
signal4 = np.zeros((N, 3))
signal5 = np.zeros((N, 3))

dt = 1.0 / 1000.0  # sampling interval
t = np.arange(0, signal1.shape[0]) * dt  # time axis
wavelet, t_wav, wcenter = ricker(
    t, 30.0
)  # generate a Ricker wavelet with 30 Hz center frequency
wavelet = wavelet[wcenter - int(len(t) / 2) : wcenter + int(len(t) / 2)]
wavelet_hilb = np.imag(
)  # Here we make use of the Hilbert transform to generate a Ricker wavelet
# with a 90 degree phase shift. This is to account for the fact that, for Rayleigh waves, the horizontal components are
# phase-shifted by 90 degrees with respect to the other components.

We now generate the relative amplitudes with which the waves are recorded on the three-component seismometer. All waves will arrive with a propagation azimuth of 30 degrees (ecxept for the P-wave, which we specify to have an azimuth of 60 degrees), the body waves will have an inclination angle of 20 degrees. The local P-wave and S-wave velocities at the recording station are assumed to be 1000 m/s and 400 m/s, respectively. The Rayleigh wave ellipticity angle is set to be -45 degrees resulting in a circular polarization.

wave1 = PolarizationModel3C(
    wave_type="P", theta=20.0, phi=60.0, vp=1000.0, vs=400.0, free_surface=True
# Generate a P-wave polarization model for
# a P-wave recorded at the free surface with an inclination of 20 degrees, an azimuth of 60 degrees. The local P- and
# S-wave velocities are 1000 m/s and 400 m/s
wave2 = PolarizationModel3C(
    wave_type="SV", theta=20.0, phi=30.0, vp=1000.0, vs=400.0, free_surface=True
)  # Generate an SV-wave polarization model
wave3 = PolarizationModel3C(wave_type="SH", theta=20.0, phi=30.0, free_surface=True)
# Generate an SH-wave polarization model
wave4 = PolarizationModel3C(
    wave_type="L", phi=30.0
)  # Generate a Love-wave polarization model
wave5 = PolarizationModel3C(
    wave_type="R", phi=30.0, xi=-45.0
)  # Generate a Rayleigh-wave polarization model with a
# Rayleigh wave ellipticity angle of -45 degrees.

Now we populate our signal with the computed amplitudes by setting a spike with the respective amplitude onto the different locations of the time axis. Then we convolve the data with the Ricker wavelet to generate our synthetic test seismograms.

signal1[100, :] = wave1.polarization.real.T
signal2[300, :] = wave2.polarization.real.T
signal3[500, :] = wave3.polarization.real.T
signal4[700, :] = wave4.polarization.real.T
signal5[900, 2:] = np.real(wave5.polarization[2:].T)
signal5[900, 0:2] = np.imag(wave5.polarization[0:2].T)

for j in range(0, signal1.shape[1]):
    signal1[:, j] = convolve(signal1[:, j], wavelet, mode="same")
    signal2[:, j] = convolve(signal2[:, j], wavelet, mode="same")
    signal3[:, j] = convolve(signal3[:, j], wavelet, mode="same")
    signal4[:, j] = convolve(signal4[:, j], wavelet, mode="same")
    if (
        j == 0 or j == 1
    ):  # Special case for horizontal translational components of the Rayleigh wave
        signal5[:, j] = convolve(signal5[:, j], wavelet_hilb, mode="same")
        signal5[:, j] = convolve(signal5[:, j], wavelet, mode="same")

signal = signal1 + signal2 + signal3 + signal4 + signal5  # sum all signals together

# We add some random noise to the signal
noise = rng.random((signal.shape))
signal += 0.1 * noise

# Plot the data
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(t, signal[:, 0], "k:", label="N")
plt.plot(t, signal[:, 1], "k--", label="E")
plt.plot(t, signal[:, 2], "k", label="Z")
plt.text((100 - 100) * dt, 0.7, "P-wave")
plt.text((300 - 100) * dt, 0.7, "SV-wave")
plt.text((500 - 100) * dt, 0.7, "SH-wave")
plt.text((700 - 100) * dt, 0.7, "Love-wave")
plt.text((900 - 100) * dt, 0.7, "Rayleigh-wave")
plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
Text(0.5, 25.722222222222214, 'Time (s)')

To make the synthetics accessible to TwistPy, we convert them to an Obspy Stream object.

data = Stream()
for n in range(signal.shape[1]):
    trace = Trace(
        data=signal[:, n],
        header={"delta": t[1] - t[0], "npts": int(signal.shape[0]), "starttime": 0.0},
    data += trace

To perform the polarization analysis, we first specify the parameters of the time window that we want to use. Here, we choose a window that extends over 20 samples in time (20 milliseconds). Overlap, specifies the percentage of overlap of neighbouring windows, as the window is slided down the signal. Here, we specify an overlap of 50 Percent.

window = {"window_length_seconds": 20.0 * dt, "overlap": 0.8}

To run the analysis, we use:

analysis = TimeDomainAnalysis3C(
    N=data[0], E=data[1], Z=data[2], window=window, timeaxis="rel"
Computing covariance matrices...
Covariance matrices computed!
Computing polarization attributes...
Polarization attributes have been computed!
Computing polarization attributes...
Polarization attributes have been computed!

And to plot the result:

Ellipticity, Inclination of major and minor semi-axis, Azimuth of major and minor semi-axis, Degree of polarization

We can now use the computed polarization attributes to devise a polarization filter. Depending on the number of samples in the seismograms, the computation of the polarization attributes can become quite expensive. If you do not want to recompute the polarization attributes, everytime you try a new filter, consider saving them to disk with:


To reload your analysis from the disk, use:

analysis = load_analysis("my_analysis.pkl")

Once the polarization attributes are computed, you can access them as c lass attributes. The available attributes are: ‘dop’ (degree of polarization), ‘elli’ (Ellipticity), ‘inc1’ (Inclination of the major semi-axis of the polarization ellipse), ‘inc2’ (Inclination of the minor semi-axis), ‘azi1’ (Azimuth of the major semi-axis), and ‘azi2’ (Azimuth of the minor semi-axis). So, for example, if you want to access the ellipticity, you would do:

elli = analysis.elli

The corresponding time axis is:

time = analysis.t_windows

Now, let us devise a simple polarization filter. First, we need to ensure that we compute polarization attributes at each sample in the time series. Above we have used a sliding time window with 80% overlap between adjacent windows. For polarization filtering, we need to ensure that we only move the sliding time window by one sample. To do so we recompute the analysis above but specify that adjacent time windows should fully overlap (except for the 1 sample that the window is moved):

window = {"window_length_seconds": 20.0 * dt, "overlap": 1.0}
analysis = TimeDomainAnalysis3C(
    N=data[0], E=data[1], Z=data[2], window=window, timeaxis="rel"
Ellipticity, Inclination of major and minor semi-axis, Azimuth of major and minor semi-axis, Degree of polarization
Computing covariance matrices...
Covariance matrices computed!
Computing polarization attributes...
Polarization attributes have been computed!

Now we can use the filter() method for polarization filtering. For example, we can devise a filter that will only keep the parts of the signal that are rectilinearly polarized (i.e., low ellipticity below 0.2), show a high degree of polarization (larger than 0.7), and that have a predominantly vertical polarization (inclination angle of the major semi-axis smaller than 40). The inclination is measured from the vertical axis downward, meaning that a wave at completely vertical incidence has an inclination of 0 degrees.

data_filtered = analysis.filter(
    plot_filtered_attributes=True, elli=[0.0, 0.2], dop=[0.7, 1], inc1=[0, 40]
Ellipticity, Inclination of major and minor semi-axis, Azimuth of major and minor semi-axis, Degree of polarization

By using the option suppress=True, we can alternatively suppress all signal parts that meet the filter criteria.

data_filtered = analysis.filter(
    plot_filtered_attributes=True, suppress = True, elli=[0.0, 0.2], dop=[0.7, 1], inc1=[0, 40]
Ellipticity, Inclination of major and minor semi-axis, Azimuth of major and minor semi-axis, Degree of polarization

Similarly, we could devise a filter that only retains the elliptically polarized parts of the signal (e.g., surface waves).

data_filtered_rayleigh = analysis.filter(
    elli=[0.7, 1.0], dop=[0.7, 1], plot_filtered_attributes=True
Ellipticity, Inclination of major and minor semi-axis, Azimuth of major and minor semi-axis, Degree of polarization

To filter out parts of the signal that exhibit particle motion along a specific direction (e.g., an azimuth around 60 degrees), we could use:

data_filtered_60degrees_azimuth = analysis.filter(
    azi1=[55, 65], dop=[0.7, 1], plot_filtered_attributes=True

Ellipticity, Inclination of major and minor semi-axis, Azimuth of major and minor semi-axis, Degree of polarization

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.205 seconds)

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