Source code for twistpy.polarization.estimator

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from builtins import ValueError
from typing import List, Tuple, Callable

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray

from twistpy.polarization.machinelearning import SupportVectorMachine
from twistpy.polarization.model import PolarizationModel6C

[docs]class EstimatorConfiguration: r"""Configure the type of estimator used for 6C polarization analysis. Parameters ---------- wave_types : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, default = ['R', 'L', 'P', 'SV', 'SH'] List of wave types for which wave parameters are estimated. method : :obj:`str`, default='ML' Method that is used for the estimation of wave parameters and polarization attributes. .. hint:: 'ML': Machine Learning: Initially classify the wave types using a machine learning model. Wave parameters are then directly estimated from the specified eigenvector. This is the most efficient way to estimate wave parameters with 6C polarization analysis 'MUSIC': Wave parameters are estimated using multiple signal classification. This is a grid search approach and can be computationally expensive to compute. Enables the estimation of wave parameters for multiple overlapping signals. 'MVDR': Wave parameters are estimated using the minimum variance distortionless response or Capon method (grid search approach). 'BARTLETT': Wave parameters are estimated using the Bartlett method (grid search approach). 'DOT': Minimize great-circle distance / dot product (corresponding to the angle between the model polarization vector and the polarization direction in the data) on the 5-sphere between the measured and tested polarization vector free_surface : :obj:`bool`, default=True Specify whether free-surface polarization models should be used scaling_velocity : :obj:`float`, default = 1. Scaling velocity applied to the translational components in m/s use_ml_classification : :obj:`bool`, default = True For grid-search approaches: Specify whether an initial step of wave classification is performed using a machine learning model. Wave parameters are then only estimated in windows where the wave type of interest is detected. Results in a speed-up. svm : :obj:`~twistpy.machinelearning.SupportVectorMachine`, optional Pre-trained support vector machine for wave type classification. Needs to be provided if method='ML' or use_ml_classification = True. eigenvector : :obj:`int`, default=0 Integer value identifying the eigenvector that will be used for wave parameter estimation. The eigenvectors are sorted in descending order of their corresponding eigenvalue | If 0: first eigenvector, corresponding to the dominant signal in the time window (associated with the largest eigenvalue). music_signal_space_dimension : :obj:´int´, default=1 Specify the number of overlapping waves for which wave parameters will be estimated using the MUSIC algorithm. vp : :obj:`tuple` (vp_min, vp_max, increment) Define the search space for the P-wave velocity in m/s for grid-search methods. vp_to_vs : :obj:`tuple` (vp_to_vs_min, vp_to_vs_max, increment) Define the search space for the P-wave to S-wave velocity ratio. vl : :obj:`tuple` (vl_min, vl_max, increment) Define the search space for the Love wave velocity in m/s. vr : :obj:`tuple` (vr_min, vr_max, increment) Define the search space for the Rayleigh wave velocity in m/s. vs : :obj:`tuple` (vr_min, vr_max, increment) Define the search space for the S wave velocity in m/s. Only relevant for SH waves for P-, and SV-waves, the S-wave velocity is computed over the vp-/vs-ratio phi : :obj:`tuple` (phi_min, phi_max, increment) Define the search space for the Azimuth in degrees. theta : :obj:`tuple` (theta_min, theta_max, increment) Define the search space for the inclination angle in degrees. xi : :obj:`tuple` (xi_min, xi_max, increment) Define the search space for the Rayleigh wave ellipticity angle in degrees. """ def __init__( self, wave_types: List[str] = ["R", "L", "P", "SV", "SH"], method: str = "ML", free_surface: bool = True, scaling_velocity: float = 1.0, use_ml_classification: bool = True, svm: SupportVectorMachine = None, eigenvector: int = 0, music_signal_space_dimension: int = 1, vp: Tuple[float, float, float] = (100.0, 2000.0, 100.0), vp_to_vs: Tuple[float, float, float] = (1.7, 2.2, 0.1), vs: Tuple[float, float, float] = (50.0, 1000.0, 100.0), vl: Tuple[float, float, float] = (100, 2000, 100), vr: Tuple[float, float, float] = (100, 2000, 100), phi: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 360, 1), theta: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 90, 1), xi: Tuple[float, float, float] = (-90, 90, 1), ) -> None: # Initial sanity checks methods = ["ML", "MUSIC", "MVDR", "BARTLETT", "DOT"] wtypes_implemented = ["P", "SV", "SH", "L", "R"] assert ( method in methods ), f"Invalid option '{method}' selected for method! Must be one of [{methods}]!" for w_type in wave_types: assert w_type in wtypes_implemented, ( f"Invalid wave type specified: {w_type}! Must be one of " f"[{wtypes_implemented}]" ) if method == "ML" or use_ml_classification: if svm is None: raise ValueError( "A SupportVectorMachine object needs to be provided for machine-learning based wave " "type classification!" ) model = svm.load_model() for w_type in wave_types: assert w_type in model.classes_, ( f"The provided SupportVectorMachine model was not trained for " f"wave_type '{w_type}'. Please use a different SupportVectorMachine" f"that was trained for this particular wave type." ) self.wave_types = wave_types self.method = method self.use_ml_classification = use_ml_classification self.vs = vs self.vp = vp self.vp_to_vs = vp_to_vs self.vl = vl self.vr = vr self.phi = phi self.theta = theta self.xi = xi self.free_surface = free_surface self.svm = svm self.eigenvector = eigenvector self.music_signal_space_dimension = music_signal_space_dimension self.scaling_velocity = scaling_velocity self.vp_n = int((vp[1] + vp[2] - vp[0]) / vp[2]) self.vs_n = int((vs[1] + vs[2] - vs[0]) / vs[2]) self.vp_to_vs_n = int((vp_to_vs[1] + vp_to_vs[2] - vp_to_vs[0]) / vp_to_vs[2]) self.vl_n = int((vl[1] + vl[2] - vl[0]) / vl[2]) self.vr_n = int((vr[1] + vr[2] - vr[0]) / vr[2]) self.phi_n = int((phi[1] + phi[2] - phi[0]) / phi[2]) self.theta_n = int((theta[1] + theta[2] - theta[0]) / theta[2]) self.xi_n = int((xi[1] + xi[2] - xi[0]) / xi[2])
[docs] def compute_steering_vectors(self, wave_type: str) -> Callable[[], ndarray]: """Compute steering vectors for polarization analysis with grid search methods for the specified wave type. Parameters ---------- wave_type : :obj:`str` Wave type for which steering vectors should be computed. Returns ------- steering_vectors : :obj:`ndarray` (6, N) 6-C steering vectors. N is the search-space dimension. """ if wave_type == "P": vp = np.arange(self.vp[0], self.vp[1] + self.vp[2], self.vp[2]) vp_to_vs = np.arange( self.vp_to_vs[0], self.vp_to_vs[1] + self.vp_to_vs[2], self.vp_to_vs[2] ) if vp_to_vs[-1] > self.vp_to_vs[1]: vp_to_vs = vp_to_vs[:-1] theta = np.arange( self.theta[0], self.theta[1] + self.theta[2], self.theta[2] ) phi = np.arange(self.phi[0], self.phi[1] + self.phi[2], self.phi[2]) vp, vp_to_vs, theta, phi = np.meshgrid( vp, vp_to_vs, theta, phi, indexing="ij" ) pm = PolarizationModel6C( wave_type=wave_type, vp=vp.ravel(), vs=vp.ravel() / vp_to_vs.ravel(), theta=theta.ravel(), phi=phi.ravel(), scaling_velocity=self.scaling_velocity, free_surface=self.free_surface, ) return pm.polarization elif wave_type == "SV": vp = np.arange(self.vp[0], self.vp[1] + self.vp[2], self.vp[2]) vp_to_vs = np.arange( self.vp_to_vs[0], self.vp_to_vs[1] + self.vp_to_vs[2], self.vp_to_vs[2] ) if vp_to_vs[-1] > self.vp_to_vs[1]: vp_to_vs = vp_to_vs[:-1] theta = np.arange( self.theta[0], self.theta[1] + self.theta[2], self.theta[2] ) phi = np.arange(self.phi[0], self.phi[1] + self.phi[2], self.phi[2]) vp, vp_to_vs, theta, phi = np.meshgrid( vp, vp_to_vs, theta, phi, indexing="ij" ) pm = PolarizationModel6C( wave_type=wave_type, vp=vp.ravel(), vs=vp.ravel() / vp_to_vs.ravel(), theta=theta.ravel(), phi=phi.ravel(), scaling_velocity=self.scaling_velocity, free_surface=self.free_surface, ) return pm.polarization elif wave_type == "SH": vs = np.arange(self.vs[0], self.vs[1] + self.vs[2], self.vs[2]) theta = np.arange( self.theta[0], self.theta[1] + self.theta[2], self.theta[2] ) phi = np.arange(self.phi[0], self.phi[1] + self.phi[2], self.phi[2]) vs, theta, phi = np.meshgrid(vs, theta, phi, indexing="ij") pm = PolarizationModel6C( wave_type=wave_type, vs=vs.ravel(), theta=theta.ravel(), phi=phi.ravel(), scaling_velocity=self.scaling_velocity, free_surface=self.free_surface, ) return pm.polarization elif wave_type == "R": vr = np.arange(self.vr[0], self.vr[1] + self.vr[2], self.vr[2]) phi = np.arange(self.phi[0], self.phi[1] + self.phi[2], self.phi[2]) xi = np.arange(self.xi[0], self.xi[1] + self.xi[2], self.xi[2]) vr, phi, xi = np.meshgrid(vr, phi, xi, indexing="ij") pm = PolarizationModel6C( wave_type=wave_type, vr=vr.ravel(), phi=phi.ravel(), xi=xi.ravel(), scaling_velocity=self.scaling_velocity, free_surface=self.free_surface, ) return pm.polarization elif wave_type == "L": vl = np.arange(self.vl[0], self.vl[1] + self.vl[2], self.vl[2]) phi = np.arange(self.phi[0], self.phi[1] + self.phi[2], self.phi[2]) vl, phi = np.meshgrid(vl, phi, indexing="ij") pm = PolarizationModel6C( wave_type=wave_type, vl=vl.ravel(), phi=phi.ravel(), scaling_velocity=self.scaling_velocity, free_surface=self.free_surface, ) return pm.polarization